When Tragedy Strikes, I want the Fucking Hypocrites to Burn

Update at the end of the original post.


A flood of people just moved past the open office door. One woman popped in and informed my coworker and I that everyone was invited into the conference room to pray. She scurried off, but we called her back to ask what was going on.

A Very Important Person’s semi-brand new baby is going into surgery for hemorrhaging. In his brain. He’s not expected to make it.

I don’t pray, and neither does the one coworker who’s with me today. Pretty much the entire rest of the building consists of dyed-in-the-wool Baptists with a rogue Catholic and Pentecostal here and there. He looked at me and says, “Well? Do we go pray? Or are we going to be THAT asshole?”

I wasn’t going to go, and I told him so. It’s not for lack of concern, but I don’t believe prayer is going to do a fucking thing to save that child. (Please. Spare me the religious lectures. Please. Even if you mean well, I’m not going there. Not today.) Anyway, once it became clear that Everybody was going, we went just to show support.

And I’m fucking pissed. Because the most hypocritical pieces of shit were the ones pounding the proverbial drums and praying the loudest.

When word originally came down that Very Important Person’s wife was expecting twins, here’s what the Hypocrisy Crones had to say about it:

I bet they paid for those twins.

Definitely in vitro. They should be ashamed of themselves.

They don’t deserve to have twins. Why couldn’t I have had twins?

Well, I heard he’s only even with that woman because of a rule for his inheritance.

Maybe she’ll miscarry, and we’ll all get raises instead of what they’ll spend on those babies.

Yeah. I wish I was making this shit up. These people are vile. Fucking vile. And I wanted to point at each and every one of the guilty motherfuckers and call them to the carpet.

You wished for this, you vile and vitriolic cunt. YOU WISHED FOR THIS. But you’ll be the first to tell Very Important Person how you led the Prayer Brigade, won’t you?

Very Important Person is an asshole. An egotistical, vain asshole with shitty ideals. BUT WHO IN THE FUCK TAKES THAT AND WISHES HIS BABIES WOULD DIE. What kind of fucked up world are we living in where people think this kind of behavior is acceptable?


Anyway. If Very Important Family’s suffering doesn’t put some shit in perspective, then nothing will. And I do so hope that somehow his little one pulls through, and they all have happy holidays. I mean that with all of my heart.


UPDATE: As of today, November 26, the little one made it through surgery. The bleeding has stopped and he is responding to stimuli. The surgeons and doctors have actually told the parents that they can begin feeling truly optimistic now. I thought I owed it to you all to provide an update on the little one’s well-being. (He’s six months old, by the way.)

112 thoughts on “When Tragedy Strikes, I want the Fucking Hypocrites to Burn

  1. It isn’t just the hypocrisy, it is the sheer awfulness of their words. Prayers or no prayers…You Have much more patience than me. People would’ve been getting it handed to them.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes, you’re absolutely right. Religious or not, words don’t get more despicable.

      I have too much patience, Josh. I let way too many things slide, and I know that it’s seen as tacit consent. I hate myself for it so so much – it’s something I’m working on…

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  2. I hate hypocrites. I hate liars. I hate two faced people. I hate people who have no morals. I hate people who have no standards. I have people who have no compassion and I hate people whose sole job in life is to turn everything to their own opportunity.
    Man the fuck up, grow a pair and behave like a decent human being instead of shaming others into some shitty half arsed prayer fest that will do absolutely NO good what soever apart from make them feel so good and righteous.
    These people should be the ones on the operating table.

    Too strong?


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Not too strong at all – I’m cheering you on. Makes me feel better, too, for my rage. I almost didn’t post that, but I had to vent before I cost myself a job. (The things “we” do to keep our jobs disgust me sometimes.)

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      1. I HATE PEOPLE! Ahem. Sorry. But this is why, you know? Ah, I wish you didn’t know – but I see that you do.

        I’m not even calm yet. The post helped, and so does talking to you and others who can relate. But I’m still livid.

        I can hear two women, right now, out in the hall. They’re stage whispering speculations of what the VIPs could have done to cause this. I’m gonna go break it up…

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  3. People like that suck arse. I hate people who are so fucking disgusting and then act all righteous and holy! I’d like to ram them with a hot poker in the arse, and then in the eye. Fucking disgusting!!! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their pubic mounds.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. YEAH, WOMAN! Thank you for feeling the same way. I can still feel my face burning red hot. Hasn’t been too long ago, two bitches were in the hall saying some shit like “serves them right.” For what? For being rich? I went out there, but they walked off.

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  4. jaw -dropped!!!. how could some people wish an innocent baby to die..I am a mother myself..and whoever says that to any of my children will surely be hitting the emergency room at any moment…regardless of how the parents behave or treats everyone….still that doesn’t give anyone the reason to wish the babies to die…ahhh

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    1. 1,000 percent agreed. They wouldn’t DARE say anything even close to such in front of him or his wife. They shouldn’t even be thinking it, much less voicing it and cackling about it. I wish I could stop being appalled by my fellow man…but they just keep being appalling.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Yes. Yes they fucking DO! Unbelievable! *sigh* I’m so shocked, I actually have no words. No one deserves for their baby to die. To even THINK like that, and then LAUGH about it! That is pure evil.

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      1. They’d notice and say anyone accusing them of being nasty is crazy or out to get them. Then they’d remind everyone about their prayer rallies, so someone would put the fire out. Yeah, probably best to abandon ship after all.


  5. In my teens and pre-teens (when the above was first published) this was my motto. I related to Charlie Brown, but idolized Linus. Part of being introverted.

    I was raised Catholic. The reason I turned from Catholicism to Natural Philosophy (the archaic term for Science) was in large degree due the hypocrisy of many of the clergy of Christianity. Televangelists getting rich off of their (often poor) congregations. Once you begin asking questions and stop blindly believing it all falls apart. Lies and hypocrisy. Every religion and even every sect of Christianity claimed their version was the only one to get you to heaven, all others were going to HELL.

    Then the Catholic Church decided we could eat meat on Friday. Wait … a … minute. Last week I was going to HELL for eating a Big Mac, and now I’m not? If the church was wrong about this, what else might they be wrong about? What if I really am still going to hell for that Friday Big Mac?

    I really could go on and on and on and on and on … but you get the idea.

    “There’s an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do and if you do something wrong you will go to HELL to burn and suffer for all eternity. But He loves you!” ~ George Carlin

    Yeah, I really hate hypocrisy and hypocrites, especially those in high places. But forty plus years of living since that cartoon came out has mellowed me. Not that the level of hypocrisy has diminished in the past forty plus years, if anything it has increased dramatically – and doubled in the past week) it is just that rage and anger are natural, but destructive emotions. Try not to let them control you. Seriously – Google the Desiderata.

    I will leave you with this:

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  6. people wrap themselves up in their religion and try to show the world that they’re great believers and followers of their religion when in fact they’re just basically shits. it’s not all but just enough of them to leave a biter taste about them and their “religious” selves in our mouths. screw em. they deserve whatever they get for showing their true faces to the world.

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  7. Until February this year I was a committed Christian, but in February I dared to ask myself the question, “what if all this is false” and it was like the scales dropped from my eyes. I no longer believe.

    But in my time as a christian I was involved in much prayer for healing and I saw people claim miraculous healing. But invariably it turned out that any ‘healing’ I witnessed turned out not to last so I concluded they were temporary psychologically induced benefits.

    It is difficult when people seek to impose their religious views on others in the work place, it would never happen in Australia. But Australia was established as a British penal colony, so we are convicts, whereas the United States was settled by religious zealots.

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    1. Yeah. My mother was “healed” by a faith healer, too. The effects lasted for about two hours. And once her spiritual high or whatever she was on at the time wore off…nothing had changed at all. I get…Peter, I get so angry.

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  8. Please tell me you get hazard pay for working in that intolerable den of God Squadders. Hypocrites or not, I can’t stand anyone who can’t keep their religion to themselves (or who assume everyone should be just as religious as they are)…

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  9. “They don’t deserve to have twins. Why couldn’t I have had twins?”
    “Maybe she’ll miscarry, and we’ll all get raises instead of what they’ll spend on those babies.”

    The sweeter the berry the darker the forest. (So the crazies stay the fuck away)

    Contrary to popular belief, the world has been balancing for eons on the tip of fate’s middle finger.

    What lovely colleagues you have Stephellaneous!
    Talk about aggro, these people make Gonorrhea look like a presidential pardon!

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    1. I know. Witnessing things like that give living proof of how easy it is for groups to grow toxic (and often dangerous) with just one or two bad “seeds” being allowed free reign. It’s mostly one that says the worst of the worst, but no one ever challenges her. In fact, they laugh and egg it on. It’s…yeah I can’t either…

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      1. Get your life kind of wrapped up over there, by which I mean have your affairs in order – get your long term bills paid, clean up the clutter areas in your home. Be READY to move before you start. Once you’ve done that, start sending out your resume to EU companies; you’ll find places on line that will list available positions. By law, they have to look in the EU first BUT if they can’t fill the position from the EU they can hire from outside the EU. IF you find an employer, they’ll sponsor you and help you get thru all the paperwork needed to reside and work in your new home.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If it weren’t for student loans (what a fucking idiot I was), I could be ready to go in a couple of months – well, as far as tying up loose ends. I need a small stack of cash, not a lot, just something to start with. But that wouldn’t take long once I got this house sold. It’s those fucking student loans that hold me back from looking abroad. People do not like debt. And I get it..grrr.

        I may be slightly buzzed and rambling. Maybe. But I want out of here so badly. I just need to do like you said – start taking real steps toward it, one at a time.

        P.S. I’ve been dying to tell you…I made an appointment…to speak with a therapist…it’s for next week………..

        Liked by 1 person

      3. !!! Wow! So proud you made an appointment!! Well done!! Can I add more exclamation points to this?!?!! Sure!!! 😀 Hope you have a VERY positive experience. And share it.

        Ach, yeah. Student loans. I was lucky, lucky, lucky. Went to a smaller school, so it wasn’t that expensive to begin with, and my dad had retired, so his income didn’t count against me. Once I got there, I kicked butt and got scholarships. Junior and senior year were basically free; I just had to pay for some of my books. By the time I graduated, the grand total of my student debt was (and remember – this is DECADES ago) – $7,500.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Thank you, thank you!! Been thinking of writing about it. I’ve just been in a serious slump. I think I’ll perk up a little after this da,m holiday is over today.

        Lucky dog, 🎉🎉 that’s for kicking ass on loans!

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      5. I hope you do write about it. We can commiserate as newbies; I expect my counseling to start sooner rather than later. I sure understand the slump…been feeling it too, tho I gotta say it’s so refreshing to live in a country that doesn’t acknowledge Thanksgiving. Ireland kind of did; they didn’t celebrate it, but they know all about it and in Ireland any reason for a big party is something to adopt. Here, nothing. No increase in turkey sales, no mention of it whatsoever. Uber cool!


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      6. How’s that for timing? Just posted…but it’s long and weary. I just needed to get it out.

        We will definitely commiserate together as newbies. I’m don’t mind saying I’m freaking right the fuck out.

        But…on the Thanksgiving topic. Damnit, I wish I had some turkey! I did decide to cook for myself today. I may write about that later – will give me something to do. I made cornbread dressing and potato soup with Italian sausage. Some weird dessert called Nanaimo bars. That shit was decadent and bombdiggity. It kept me busy yesterday and today. I needed that. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      7. OH. MY. GODDESS!! Nanaimo bars!!! The ultimate decadent dessert from Canada, eh? LOVE them. Everyone should eat a nanaimo bar at least once in their lives!

        Tja, I sure as fuck understand fucking freaking out. You’re brilliant; that post is brilliant. Exactly what needed to be said. *hug* You’re my hero.

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      8. Hahaha! I googled “weird cookies,” because I was up for a kitchen challenge. But I ran into Nanaimo bars…and gave it a whirl. It’s like heavenly sin in my mouth. 😀

        Thank you so so much. It means more to me than you know. Or … maybe you do know. *HUGS*

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      9. Maybe I do. I’m right there with you on not trusting females. And with the frizzy hair and ‘casual’ clothing. Sometimes when I read your posts it’s like looking into a mirror. You bring tears to my eyes so often, make me laugh so much, remind me of me all the time. *hug* Be well, sister. ❤

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      10. Which is so stupid, right? Because while it’s women who have brought the most drama and back-stabbing, it was a man who fucked me up the most. Ha!

        Thank you so much for your awesome words to me – I promise you I feel the exact same way when I read you. Like damn…you get it. You totally get it. *hug* We’ll be well together soon, the both of us…. 🙂

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      11. Ach, I feel like such an ASS talking about my lack of trust with women. Especially when I talk to another woman. And yes – the irony of the entire situation is gruesome in it’s perfection: what a way to hate what we are.

        What a force of nature: the two of us, healed in mind! Now that’s a party waiting to happen. 😉

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      12. Holy hell…it is a form of self-loathing isn’t it? I’ll be damned…

        Party…that would be a much better reason for being up at three fucking sixteen in the morning. Grrrrrr

        No, autocorrect, I will never fucking mean to say ducking!

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      13. lol! You’re a 3:16 a.m. girl? It’s 3:15 a.m. for me – or was. This side of the planet kind of screwed all that up, but for the 30 years I lived in the states – 3:15, every damn night. I got all superstitious about it and thought that was the time of day I was going to DIE which is why I kept waking up about then.

        It does get me thinking, tho…Stephanie, do you have a lot of aches and pains in your joints? I was told my last rheumatologist that the reason I was waking up at that time was because it’s part of the body cycle; that’s when the endocrine system starts to dump all sorts of shit in your body. It’s a prime trigger time for arthritis sufferers. Just want to bring this to your attention, ’cause I had arthritis since I was a kid but was never diagnosed.

        And yeah, trust issues with women IS a form of self loathing. At least, I’ve found it is for me. I guess I’ve got so many issues with my mom and She Who Must Not Be Named that I hate the female species – and therefore myself – because of it. My perception is that men are forceful and rather uncaring but women are manipulative and back-stabbing. Of the two, I’d prefer to deal with men. I can take blunt instruments that don’t realize the words they utter hurt me. I can’t take purposeful hurting with words, which was always my experience with the women in my family. Men hurt you because they don’t see you; women hurt you to hurt you. Not a great place to start from.

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      14. Damnit. That is EXACTLY how I feel about men and women. Fucking EXACTLY.

        It was 3:16 AM at that exact moment, but strangely 3:12 has been a weird time for me over the years. And to your question, I see a rheumatologist for connective tissue disease (borderline rheumatoid), osteoarthritis, and they’re looking at me for lupus and/or MS. He also diagnosed me with fibro, whatever the fuck that means (I take it to mean, we acknowledge you hurt like a motherfucker but don’t fully know why). So yes…I have a lot of joint pain, but I don’t think I struggle with it to the same degree as you. Except lately, I’ve had a hard time even walking. Yay!

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      15. Ah, yes, now that you remind me about your condition I remember reading about it; sorry, early morning and not quite connecting all the dots yet.

        ‘Kay….getting freaky weird sameness now!! Fucking shit to hear you’re having problems walking. Fucking hate that. The idea of being stuck in a wheelchair has haunted me since I was 17. That’s when a doc told me I’d be in one for sure, probably within 3 years. Been fighting it ever since.

        You know what’s weird…I don’t think I’d feel untrusting with you or a couple of other people out here despite the fact we’re all women. I feel like we could all get together and I’d still trust you. Don’t know that I’ve ever quite felt that before. So thanks, sis.

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      16. No need to apologize..I’ve only mentioned it in one or two posts, I think. And I didn’t go into a lot of detail… and it is freaky weird, isn’t it?

        Got some new fucking grandma shoes, and I was reading about your slippers – it reminded me of exactly what I’m going through. I’m a flip flop and converse girl, so the uber support of these fucking grandma shoes he made me buy…they’re so supportive and cushiony AND HURT LIKE HELL! Haha! Grrrr…I’ll get used to it, I guess.

        Thank you, too…it’s very strange for me to feel so close to a woman – hell to several women on here. We could totally get together, and I’d be comfortable.

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  10. They are past Hypocrites. I see them all the time. They are the ones in church constantly looking for forgiveness for the sins they commit all week. Stealing, cheating, cursing but give others shit if they do and then cry about it when “you reap is what you sow” and that is how they live. They act like gods at work, sneak around, start rumors etc…I call them “holy rollers”. They’re full of shit. Even if you support them in vain, using a recent event is Bobby Brown’s family and he himself all hypocrites and prayed and prayed for someone that was dead in January and the more they spoke the longer this dead kid was kept alive. Then you got to hear more and more stories of how basically evil involved were yet they are praying and asking for prayers. yea sure you do not want to be that person that does not go and perhaps they will hug you. But in a week or so they will forget that and you being there does not keep you or others from receiving hypocritical vile from them at a later date. obviously this baby does not deserve anything bad to happen to it but the end is already there and keeping it going is what many people do. My mother was foolishly put into a coma as she had prior leukemia and the doctors not looking at her charts gave her blood thinners, she screamed out you are going to kill me and they put her under and chose not to do anything but let her stay there, no treatment for supposed stage 4 cancer when she had stage one. Her husband was a holier than thou type, yet he was seeing someone and wanted the plug pulled after 2 days. I had power of attorney. Once she passed he went upstate to get her hidden life insurance policy, went to Florida, got engaged and got married on my mother’s birthday. That is how these people are.

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  11. I am so sorry you have to work with these awful people. It is wonderful, however, that you are getting ready to see a therapist. It is much more calming to share this with someone objective than confront your co-workers no matter how awful they are. One of the other comments suggested that you prepare to get another job in a different environment and I think that is great advice. If you did believe in God then it might soothe you to know that they won’t get to heaven. I am spiritual but not religious and believe in Karma. There are hypocrites everywhere from my friend’s dad who beat up his wife on Friday but always at Mass on Sunday and people in Egypt who bruised their foreheads to show that they prayed harder than everyone else. The real, genuine, kind people in this world can see right through them. Hugs.

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    1. Thank you for the hugs and well wishes, Kerry. I should do an update on this post – I snuck around on Facebook and found out that the baby came through surgery and the bleeding has stopped. They’re beginning to be optimistic that he’ll be okay.

      As for therapy, it’s something I’ve been putting off for years. I’m gonna do my best to go through with it.

      Hugs 🌷

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    1. Hahaha! Katie, that’s great – I love it! I used to pray…a lot. “Religiously”…heh. I just don’t anymore. I can’t….maybe I’ll talk about it someday. But I would never begrudge your beliefs. 🙂


Lay it on me!