Sharing the Lovejuice

Yo. Peoplleaneous. Also known as The Bestest People Ever.

You know how you’ve been lifting me up lately? Soothing my spirit and making me laugh?

I have this bloggy buddy, see. Her name is Sandra, and she’s pretty down in the dumps. She might not like for me to do this. (Sandra, say the word and I’ll take this post down!) I know a lot of us are struggling. I know. But I’m worried and feel particularly compelled to reach out on her behalf.

Being the badass awesome peoplleaneous that y’all are…could you do me a solid and mosey on over to Sandra’s place and share some of that lovejuice y’all have been giving me? (Hehehe that sounded sooooo nasty, didn’t it? I did it on purpose. You like that? Shut up, perv! Focus!)

As an added bonus: for those of you who aren’t already following her, she has a kickass blog. Show her some love, would ya?



69 thoughts on “Sharing the Lovejuice

  1. If you say “Lovejuice” in Barry White’s voice…it’s not nasty at all. It’s the language of love…guess I gotta get familiar with the Sandra before I go spreading any lovejuice…

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I don’t know how I could possibly thank all of you for supporting a stranger. I just hope everyone reads this even though I’m not replying to each individual comment.

    Is the entire blogging world going to think I’m a pathetic disaster? Or am I just crazy paranoid? Or both?

    Stephanie… you’re making me cry. Not in a bad way! I don’t have any one who tries to help me this much in my “real life.” It’s not that they don’t love me, but they just don’t know how to help. So all I usually get is silence… and blank stares.

    I can’t believe you posted this for me. God, you are so nice to me. And I’m this pathetic (I’m pretty sure older than you) woman who should have figured out how to handle life by now.

    I swear to God, I am not always like this. Sometimes, I am funny and I write stuff other than my own sob stories. I swear! And I laugh with my kids and draw pictures and shit. I’m just having a rough week (Fuck, it’s only Tuesday) and feeling overwhelmed. Please don’t think I’m this pathetic all the time!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Dude, it’s totally cool. You’ve seen the shit they put up with from me. I wrote an open letter to a fucking therapist I’ve never met!

      The support here has astounded me, and I wanted to share that with you. Because we love you, too.

      P.S. I’m like 92, so it’s cool. Okay, I’m really 35 going on 92. But still.

      Have some flowers 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🐔🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 and an accidental chicken.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. I do NOT think you are pathetic, Sandra, and I know for a fact that you write lots of great stuff other than sob stories. We’re all here to support each other, and I’m all too happy to help whenever/however I can. For the record (not saying this to flatter you), you have an awesome blog!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. hello….I missed your posts…your make me smile….I love your writing style……and really loved the Queen Bitch photo…LOL my daughter loves the queen…she would be appalled…LOL I shouldn’t laugh but I can’t help it….good to be home and getting back to wifi…LOL kat

    Liked by 1 person

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