[DAY 29] 30-Day Song Challenge

Day 29: A Song You Remember From Your Childhood

Listen, we’ve already done this. Dude, I swear we did. I talked about Cyndi Lauper and Beastie Boys.

Fine. I’ll do another. But let the record show it’s occurring under duress.

Oh. And I got bangs yesterday. WHAT.

Oh. Oh for the second time. I’m woefully behind on replies to your lovely comments and thoughtful contributions, and it’s bugging the shit outta me. I’m genuinely sorry! I will catch up, but it will probably be after vacation at this point. Today is my last day at the office until October 18th. Tomorrow will be spent packing, cleaning, etc. After that, you won’t hear from me for a while. So I’m running behind, but for valid reasons! Honest!

Now. On to the song. I’m contributing Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, as it does indeed remind me of childhood. Released in 1982, I first heard it at a very young age. (I was born in 1980, for those keeping count.) The first time I saw this music video (which was also the first time I heard the song), I was simultaneously enthralled and terrified. I loved it! And I was convinced it was a movie. For years, I was convinced it was a full length movie and kept trying to find it…until I finally learned what it actually was. This epic music video (which I’m still saddened isn’t a full length feature film)! Enjoy!

What song reminds you of childhood?

2 thoughts on “[DAY 29] 30-Day Song Challenge

  1. Your bangs are amazing. They really fit/highlight your face. I have no idea how I know but I know.

    https://youtu.be/Uy5T6s25XK4 <– The stirring, dark accordion (yes, I said that right) really sets the stage for this very tribal and infectious groove. My dad had this on cassette and let me borrow it for my own walkman when I went to visit him in California. He was a big fan when it came out and I've always treasured it. Bought it again on cassette in my teens, jamming out to it on long road trips. Bought it again in college, some deluxe CD version or what have you and then just bought in on vinyl a few years ago. One of my all-time favorites.
    Remember when we bought music? Anyway.

    I hope your upcoming trip is a m a z i n g and eventful/relaxing in the right doses.



Lay it on me!