Stupid Fucking WordPress

My dear Peopleaneous –

1. I’ve been swamped. With work shit. With house shit. With flood shit. With car shit. With recruiter shit. With personal shit.

2. Most of my downtime is at work (one of the reasons I detest my job). So that’s when I tend to do my writing and catch up on comments and posts and such. But it appears as though something has changed with WP. Either that, or corporate is toying with their security policies again. Yous see, they block a myriad of sites. Like…Kotaku or Instagram or Redtube. But you can spend your entire day on Facebook or Twitter or (welcome to the South) should you wish. But now. NOW. Since sometime early last week, I’ve been able to get to my dashboard or whatever. And it appears I can make a post. But only in the HTML section. Not in the “Visual” section. And when I try to check comments or look at other sites? I receive this message:

Secure Connection Failed

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity
of the received data could not be verified.

Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Isn’t that delightful? I’m trying to find a workaround, y’all, because this is a buncha pigshit.

Also…if this even publishes (because I can’t even preview) – in the meantime, love and harmony and music and wombats illicit things.


19 thoughts on “Stupid Fucking WordPress

  1. It is totally possible that your work is blocking the site, I know of places that have done that. While utilizing a different browser may work, many IT departments already have figured that one out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Since you aren’t going to see this comment, I’m going to get silly: WOMBATS!!! WOMBATS!!! WOMBATS!!!
    …there. Hope you find a workaround. So great hearing from you!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I have been having problems with WP, too. Some of the messages aren’t getting through so I have to double check that I am not being unintentionally rude. I have decided to blame my husband as he has moved the WIFI Wombat…he may not be to blame but there is no one else to berate… 🙂


  4. That’s shitty. I have been having internet problems and only by sheer luck had I planned three posts to take care of the last three days. Unfortunately today was a bollox of a day with NO internet again and therefore no way of posting unless I used 4g and the last time I did that I nearly melted when I saw the cell phone bill….!
    Hopefully all this technology will have a word with itself and buck its ideas up so we can all start doing what it was we weere doing before it decided to fuck us up for shits and giggles.
    Amen sister.


  5. I am going to venture a guess and say that you’re using Internet Explorer? If yes, may I suggest that the browser needs updating? WordPress updated its software recently and that might get older browsers a bit of trouble. If you discreetly ask your tech department to do the updates without telling them what it is for specifically, I am sure the problem will get fixed if that is what’s causing the problem. Twitter doesn’t need an awesome browser to run. I’m not on effBook so I’m not able to speak about that. xo


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