[DAY 7] 30-Day Song Challenge

Day 7: A Song To Drive To

Holy shit, I have tons of songs on my road trippin’ play list. But this first one, I always. Always. Begin every road trip with this song. It’s been the first song on every road trip playlist for years. For my upcoming road trip next month, for the first time in twenty-some years, I’m considering changing that. But for now, that first road-trip song is “Road Trippin'” by RHCP. Now, I realize this is the second RHCP song I’ve used in seven days of a thirty day challenge. But, hear me (them) out:

There are so many great songs to drive to, road trip or not. What are yours?

6 thoughts on “[DAY 7] 30-Day Song Challenge

  1. The second, but will it also be the third?

    I don’t think I could do RHCP driving. However, I certainly have a selection of songs for you. Some of these I used whilst on a lengthy drive last year, though I probably used all of them:

    Alright, so I’m fairly certain you may already know this song, but if you don’t, then do now because you should:

    There’s also this one which also more people should know about:

    And of course this one:

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    1. Great choices, and unique (as usual). That first one is perfect for driving. Never even occurred to me. I’m gonna add it to my road trip playlist. The second one feels angry. That’s a different playlist. Good shit, here!

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