[DAY 8] 30-Day Song Challenge

Day 8: A Song about Drugs or Alcohol

Today’s theme is drugs or alcohol. The first thing that pops to mind for me is Pink Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb”. Seems an obvious choice, at least in my musical lexicon. Pink Floyd can be difficult for me to listen to, because they can remind me of my father. A terrible specimen of a person, he was. But I’ve been trying to “reclaim” them, as it were, because I love Floyd. Their music can speak to a lot of different things a person can (and does) go through. Besides, that person I referenced above was mostly into albums of theirs that aren’t my favorites (i.e. Ummagumma and Animals). Are they not favorites because of how I know them? Or because of my own personal tastes? I suppose I’ll never know the answer to that. But I do claim this song as my own personal choice for today’s theme.

What song(s) make you want (or not want) to partake in illicit substances?

On a completely unrelated note (although, I wish I were comfortably numb just about now), I am undergoing a colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow. That makes today the delightful prep day and tomorrow procedure day. I’ve written about my experiences with this in the past and do still encourage you all to tend to your health needs. The point of bringing this up now is there is a chance I’ll not be able to post tomorrow because of it. But that won’t signify my vanishing from the blogosphere. At least not yet.

Now, send tunes, because tomorrow I will be under anesthesia. Which is drugs. So give me drugs music. Today’s theme demands it.