[DAY 22] 30-Day Song Challenge

Hi. Have I yet told you that I’ll be MIA soon? I’m going on vacation for nearly three weeks in October. Several years overdue, this vacation, and I’m fucking stoked. It’s all I can seem to think about at present. But I will be absent for a bit, starting October 1st. I will be back this time, though. And maybe I’ll be able to type something, anything, that doesn’t require a challenge to motivate me. This has been working wonders, though.

Oh. I didn’t get the Chicago job. I didn’t even tell you about that one, because I didn’t think I’d get it. I only interviewed for the experience of interviewing for a giant, big-city firm. The interview actually went extremely well and most of my experience lined up perfectly. They had concerns that I’ve only worked with small firms and didn’t have quite enough experience with working with developers. They had someone else they were chatting with whose experience lined up more closely with their needs. I’m not upset about it. I don’t actually want to live in Chicago, but the experience of the interview was valuable to me.

I do have a very promising shot at the one I interviewed for last week, the mostly local one. I’ve already signed an offer letter for contract work between now and when she needs a full-time person. So, we’ll see how that goes.

Anydoodles. Day 22 presents a challenge, I think. Let’s see if I can tackle it, and how.

Day 22: A Song That Moves You Forward

I’m sincerely stuck and have been prowling YouTube and Google for at least ten minutes now. I’m stuck. Fuck. Lemme think.

How about “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor? Best I can do, but I’d say it’s pretty damn fitting.

Please send help. I need more songs that fit this theme, and I’m drawing a blank.