[DAY 25] 30-Day Song Challenge

Doing today’s post from my phone. Which is a royal pain in the ass, but I’m being lazy and also don’t wanna miss a day this month. So this is my compromise.

Day 25: A Song You Like by an Artist No Longer Living

There are so many, so so many. But, as I’m on my phone, I’ll just pick one. And since I can only choose one, it’s gonna be “Space Oddity” by the late David Bowie. This one could also double as an entry for the day that called for a song that has multiple meanings for me. Have a listen.

What would you choose?

4 thoughts on “[DAY 25] 30-Day Song Challenge

  1. God, I miss Bowie. 😦 Hmmmm. Songs from the deceased… Even though this song was published as an Emerson, Lake and Palmer song, Greg Lake wrote it when he was 12. It’s also the title of Greg Lake’s autobiography (which he wrote knowing he had terminal cancer) – Lucky Man:

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  2. Space Oddity is one of the all-time greats. I remember the first time it was introduced to me back in college (I feel like a lot of my music discovery really happened then) and my mind was blown. Such a fun, groovy and just odd (as the title implies) song and I was so glad for that introduction. That being said, it’s high time I did a deep dive in to David Bowie very soon. I do a pretty good impression I think? At karaoke.

    I’ll have to go with Elliot Smith for this wrenching classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrJkkvg81yA
    So perfectly used in The Royal Tenenbaums.


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Lay it on me!