The Getaway (Don’t worry. I’m not referring to an evacuation. This one’s not about assbutts. Oops.)

Listening to RHCP’s new album.
Digging it.
It’s warm and funky and quite mellow.
I’m on my third listen.
It has its weak points, but overall I’m loving it.
To give you an idea, most of it would fit in well on Stadium Arcadium.
Beats the shit outta the last album, which I found decent but haven’t gone back for repeat listens.
Now if the fuckers would tour more than the festival circuit or overseas.

It’s an interesting background for filling out the ten-page assbutts paperwork.
Got the paperwork from the anal prober today.
Went ahead and bought the mix for liquid fire.
And now I’m filling out the riveting medical questionnaire.
It’s so entertaining that I’m cheating on it with you.

In other news, I forgot to show you my bottle of eyeballs.
Wanna see?
You totally wanna see.


I’m all talked out, really. So I’m gonna bombard you with totally random snaps.

From the park last weekend.
Who knew Mother Nature was such a perv? I did, that’s who.
I love passive aggressive office notes. This is my latest find. I tried to find a magazine to clip letters out and glue “NO” in kidnapper-style letters. Missed opportunity right there.
Coworker found this smushed Cutie at the bottom of her bag. I kept it.
Trusty docs I’ve had since 7th grade. They were on a heavily discounted sale, because they’re a super unpopular style, so mom bought a pair for me. They’re a full size too big….she thought I’d grow into them. That’s some poor people logic right there. Needless to say, the eight times a year I wear them require three pairs of socks.
God I love search terms.
UNhappy with the condition I found my camera in after I let someone borrow it.

That is all.

Happy Friday.


Playlist Party: An Adventurous Musical Meet & Greet

Howdy Peopleaneous!

Don’t you just love that word? “Howdy”? Probably not, but maybe I can change your mind. My mamaw always used that word in greeting. “Howdy, Steph,” she’d say with a grin, in her warm, gravelly smoker’s voice. Steph. She just had to call me Steph. Hell, everyone did. I don’t know why it bothered me so much. But when Mamaw said, “Howdy, Steph!,” it didn’t matter.

I loved it. Some people teased her for it, but she kept on saying “howdy” anyway. And so I adopted it, early on. But I mostly only greeted her that way. Mostly.

Until she passed.

And now I say it at work, lots. “Howdy, Gary!” “Howdy, Richard!” “Howdy, y’all!”

People laugh, as though the joke’s on me for being weird. And I’m okay with that. Because Mamaw. I tell them about her when I can, but mostly I just grin and let them go on wondering what sort of weirdo says howdy anymore. And in those moments, I’m smirking with Mamaw and feel all warm and wistful.

So there. Howdy Peopleaneous!

An Adventurous Musical Meet & Greet

It’s been ages since we’ve done a Meet & Greet, so let’s do it! You know I like to mix music into them, so if you want to participate on that front as well it would be superduper! I’m thinking the theme for this Playlist Party slash Meet & Greet should be Adventure – Moving On – Starting Over. I need a playlist for songs like that – any genre is welcome. Even if it’s country, I’ll try not to cringe and call you names. Any genre, any time/decade. I’ll start us off in a minute.

But first, the Meet & Greet! Let’s see. These things usually need “Rules,” but I don’t like Rules. So let’s call them Meet & Greet Ideas:

  1. Give us a link to your about or a favorite post of yours or both – and tell us a little about you if you’d like!
  2. Give us a link to a blog you’re crazy about, or a post that touched you in some way, written by someone else – let’s spread the love!
  3. Share a song about adventure or starting over. (If you don’t have a song idea, you’re still part of this Meet & Greet!)
  4. Reblog or link to this post – let’s see how many new people we can meet y’all!

So let’s see. Lemme start us off by following the “rules,” myself:

My favorite recent post of mine: The Wallpaper. This one’s deeply personal to me, but I was also proud of and surprised by how it turned out.


A favorite blog of mine: Stupidity Hole. Go. Clicky. Now. I’ll wait. Waiting. Have you gone yet? Good. Are you back yet? Good.

Dude is awesome, and his writing and photography are fun, unique and fucking gorgeous. Check out this post where he talks about his photography, and make sure to check out his shop as well.

I own some of his prints, and they’re gorgeous. I’m frustrated as fuck that I can’t hang them yet. Soon! I’m keeping them protected until PNW. Then I can use them to start decorating my new pad. Word.


Now. Music. I’ll kick us off with a few jams about Starting Over, Moving On, Adventure… you get the idea.

To Starting Over

Promise, by Hey Rosetta!

Float On, by Modest Mouse

Time to Move On, by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

The Getaway, by Leisure Cruise

Road Trippin’, by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Ramble On, by Led Zeppelin

There are so many, but I don’t want to list a couple dozen songs. I’d rather see what y’all come up with!


So come on. Share your blog links – tell us why you kick ass! Share someone else’s blog – tell us why he or she kicks ass! Share some music – tell us why it kicks ass!

In other words…come kick ass with me! Let’s see how many blog links we can generate this time!


This post brought to you by:

Asses, specifically those that kick or even those in need of kicking.

Stupidity Hole, because every ass needs a hole. Wait. No. That’s not the best way to introduce him. He’s more than just a hole. Lemme try again.

Brought to you by Stupidity Hole, because Pensive Pug. And also because he said I have to post something today. So I dragged his ass into it!